Topics Holidays Festivus
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Break out the Festivus pole and prepare for the airing of grievances, it's Festivus time! Let's embrace the weirdest holiday tradition with no complaints about the aluminum pole! #FestivusForTheRestOfUs 🎉
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Get ready to air your grievances, practice your feats of strength, and celebrate Festivus this year! Let's embrace the quirky and fun traditions of this unique holiday. #FestivusForTheRestOfUs 🎉
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Break out the aluminum pole and prepare for the Airing of Grievances because Festivus is here! Who needs the perfect tree when you have the perfect holiday for the rest of us? #Festivus #AiringofGrievances #FestivusForTheRestOfUs
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Break out the Festivus pole and get ready for the Airing of Grievances, because it's Festivus time! Let the feats of strength and Festivus miracles begin. #FestivusForTheRestOfUs